The truth about killed apps and how to avoid their mistakes

Low user engagement kills every product manager's dream: to build an app that hooks people. Of course, it's nice to have funding, to build a team or to grow your userbase, but it doesn't mean anything unless you can keep your users active. Fortunately, you are not alone in this journey! Tons of apps have tried and failed before you so you could learn from their mistakes. In this article we close in to 6 of the biggest app failures and what you can learn from them.

How to crush your competition like Strava

One could argue that fighting user churn is one of the most difficult tasks to achieve as an app. In 2019 only 3 in 10 users were retained after three months which means the average churn is over 70%! Not all apps seem to struggle with this however. Strava for example is one of the most used fitness apps in the world. With over 55 million users, growing at a rate of 1 million new users a month, it seems like they have figured out how to engage their audience. Read the full blog to find out how Strava keeps users hooked!

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