Our Story

Imagine a world where there is no longer a divide between what you need to do and what you want to do, and everything is fun and engaging. At StriveCloud, we believe that gamification can make such a world possible.
Founders story
In 2016, Freek Borghgraef and Joris De Koninck started a tech start-up in the field of gaming, called Kayzr. Their focus was on developing gamification solutions for the esports fans, but on the side they worked to bring game-design elements and game principles to non-game contexts.
The epiphany
Today, the way businesses can attract, connect and engage new generations has fundamentally changed, and StriveCloud was created as an alternative to other solutions that fail to understand how to tap into the voice of millennials and the younger generations. By bringing game mechanics to real life situations, we unlock the drivers of motivation and cultivate engagement through effective gamification experiences.
How we DO things
We’re all a bunch of dedicated folks that come to work every day because we believe that gamification can connect and engage people, so that they can strive to their full potential as a fan, as a customer, or as an employee. To help shape our product and service, we follow these key principles: