Learn your customer lifetime value first, if you want to improve loyalty

It’s up to 5 times more expensive to acquire a new customer than to retain an existing one! What if you can increase revenue by supercharging fan loyalty? Discover how gamification throughout the buyer journey can help you boost fan engagement while keeping costs low.

How KAA Gent raised € 85,000 for charity

As a sports club, you are competing over the attention of your target audience. So how do you stand out? In this article, we break down exactly how KAA Gent harvested fan engagement in their Samen Sterk fundraising campaign.

How Bayern München bridged the content gap with clever digital engagement

In our fan engagement breakdown series, we take a look at the top football clubs in the world and how they are tackling the effects of the Corona outbreak. Today we will review how Germany’s largest football team Bayern München uses their role model function to help society and the football world. With various initiatives in esports and charity going on the club maintains a well-filled pipeline of digital content to keep their fans engaged and safe.

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